Shin News-May 2012 News
May 2012

May Content
Now Super Maker Forums!
New Theme Design
VIP Members
Poll Questions
Projects, Projects, Projects...
Game Reviews

Shin News-May 2012 NewsHere it goes! Super Maker Forums!
Shin RPG Maker Forums was too focused on just my games and me.
I thought about it and I remember that RPG Maker reminds me of the good old SNES days.
So it is now known as Super Maker Forums.
Along with this name change a lot more of the forum will and have already changed.
The brand new theme reflects a more professional look and will guide us to the future.
Still tweaking the music and other options are coming soon too.
An arcade is planned on being added along with a few new options.
It will feature several different games.
Other features in the planning phases are a Youtube Channel and a Facebook page.
The Youtube Channel will focus on project demo videos and game reviews.
We will review commercial and or non-commercial games.
The Youtube Channel may get a weekly Super Maker Forum video or might have to be bi-weekly because of my work schedule.
Please answer the few poll questions about it and your feedback is needed and appreciated.

Well till next time I will see you around the forums and the web.
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